115035, г. Москва, ул. Пятницкая, 2/38с3 м. Новокузнецкая (5 минут пешком) м. Третьяковская (7 минут пешком)
Иностранные языки на Пятницкой. Проезд (м. Новокузнецкая, Третьяковская):
От м. Новокузнецкая (один выход) идти направо (в центр) по четной стороне Пятницкой улицы. У колокольни повернуть налево в Черниговский переулок. Сразу за церковью повернуть направо во двор. Во дворе за церковью желтый 5-ти этажный дом 2/38 стр. 3.
От м. Третьяковская идти по улице Б. Ордынка по направлению в центр, повернуть налево в Черниговский переулок.
From Novokuzntetskaya station: Exit the metro via the only exit from the station. Cross the road in front of you (Pyatnitskaya street). Follow the street towards the river and the Kremlin. By the green belltower (between the belltower and bakery "Le Pain Quotidien") turn left to Chernigovsky lane. Go straight ahead and enter the black iron gate on your right (next to the entrance to the church). On your right you will see the house No. 2/38 bld. 3. Go round it and you will see 3 entrances from the inner side. You need middle entrance with the transparent glass door.
From Tretyakovskaya station: Exit the metro. Move forward along the street that's on your left (Bolshaya Ordynka) towards the river and Kremlin (don't cross the street). Follow the street for about 5 minutes till you see "Mi Piace" restaurant, and then turn right toChernigovsky lane (this will be the 1st lane to the right on your way from the metro station). The lane is "Z"-shaped, so you need to walk straight ahead, then turn left, then enter the black iron gate in front of you right next to the entrance to the church. Move forward and on your right you will see the house No. 2/38 bld. 3. Go around it and you will see 3 entrances from the inner side. You need middle entrance with the transparent glass door.